Effect of Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering on Kidney Tubule Injury: Findings From the ACCORD Trial Study Participants.
Link: https://doi.org/S0272-6386(18)30880-1
Authors: Nadkarni, Girish N; Chauhan, Kinsuk; Rao, Veena; Ix, Joachim H; Shlipak, Michael G; Parikh, Chirag R; Coca, Steven G
Abstract: Random assignment to intensive blood pressure (BP) lowering (systolic BP<120mmHg) compared to a less intensive BP target (systolic BP<140mmHg) in the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes BP (ACCORD-BP) trial resulted in a more rapid decline in estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). Whether this reflects hemodynamic effects or intrinsic kidney damage is unknown. Longitudinal analysis of a subgroup of clinical trial participants. A subgroup of 529 participants in ACCORD-BP. Urine biomarkers of tubular injury (kidney injury molecule 1, interleukin 18 [IL-18]), repair (human cartilage glycoprotein 39 [YKL-40]), and inflammation (monocyte chemoattractant protein 1) at baseline and year 2. Changes in eGFR from baseline to 2 years. We compared changes in biomarker levels and eGFRs across participants treated to an intensive versus less intensive BP goal using analysis of covariance. Few participants with advanced baseline chronic kidney disease. Comparisons across treatment groups do not represent comparisons of treatment arms created solely through randomization. Among a subset of ACCORD-BP trial participants, intensive BP control was associated with reductions in eGFRs, but not with an increase in injury marker levels. These findings support that eGFR decline observed with intensive BP goals in ACCORD participants may predominantly reflect hemodynamic alterations.